• 27th March 2025

Choose the Right Energy Provider with the Best referral Options

Many energy providers advertise bonus payments for new customers. When looking for the right tariff, however, you shouldn’t let it guide you. What to watch out for. Now with the octopus referral code  you can get the amounts also. One can get £50 with this referral code. In the pursuit of reducing the energy bills, this is the energy supplier company that you can count on.

What change workers bring on the Internet

Switching energy providers can often save consumers a lot of money. Many still shy away from the supposed effort. It’s not that big, however, there are just a few simple ground rules to keep in mind.

Terminate the contract in due time

In fact, it is usually quite simple: the new provider usually terminates the old contract because in the event of price increases, there is a special statutory right of termination.

Consumers can terminate the contract without notice until the higher price takes effect. They must not let this point in time pass. It is best to send the letter by registered mail and state the increase as the reason for termination. In the order form to the new supplier you should note that the old contract has already been terminated.

Search for offers in good time

A comparison is also worthwhile a few weeks before the end of the contract period. When looking for better offers, it is important to start early so that you can terminate the contract on time.

From the point of view of the consumer advocate, online comparison portals are suitable for the tariff search. There you can filter what you need. However, she advises: The contract term should not be longer than twelve months and a possible subsequent term should not be more than one month. A maximum of six weeks’ notice is advisable, or better still four weeks.

Compare tariff conditions

Because the prices fluctuate strongly and are based on individual needs, the comparison portals are actually the only way to always find current costs and tariff conditions. She recommends experimenting with the filter settings and comparing the tariff conditions with the results.

Anyone looking for a long-term provider shouldn’t be blinded by the new customer bonus and should deactivate this option if in doubt. Instead, it is better to compare the monthly basic price and the price per kilowatt hour with the previous contract.

The list of results often shows how much can be saved with the tariffs. “The savings, however, refer to the comparison with the prices in the local basic supply. If you do not have a contract with the basic supplier, you have to find your last bill to compare prices.

Note bonus payments

Bonus payments make tariffs look cheaper than they are in the long term – these offers can be sifted out when searching. Expert points out that if you are willing to change energy provider frequently and do not want to stay with the same supplier for years, you can also consider offers with bonus payments.

The provider should pay out the premium as early as possible ideally within the first three months as an immediate bonus and not, as is often the case, after a year. Anyone who quits beforehand, for example because of a price increase, does not receive a bonus.

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