• 18th October 2024

The Importance of Self-care for Students: Prioritizing Mental and Physical Health

In many ways, a student’s life is stressful as they need to handle multiple priorities simultaneously. Be it school, extra classes to prepare for additional courses, extracurricular activities and social life, it becomes overwhelming for them to handle. On top of that, they also must live up to the expectations of their parents, teachers and peers. 

When everyone around you keeps pushing you to do your best, you don’t have a choice but to continue working hard. However, it does not take long before we can’t help but feel overburdened and exhausted; that is why CBSE schools in Pune have integrated self-care as part of their teaching and learning processes. 

But why is self-care important for students, and how does it contribute to their development? Let us find out: 

Improves mental health 

When students include self-care activities in their lives, it helps to bring and reduces stress; as a result, they can achieve a healthy mental state and overall well-being. Therefore, one of the most effective ways includes exercise and connecting with others. For instance, exercising thrice or four days a week for at least forty-five minutes helps release serotonin and endorphin. 

Furthermore, it helps to improve memory, encourages higher-order thinking, and boosts concentration. In fact, the best international schools in India puts equal focus on both mental and physical health. Therefore, they include different sports and extracurricular activities and ensure to strike a balance between academics and other activities. 

Brings stress and anxiety under control 

Stress and anxiety do not discriminate by age; moreover, they become the most overbearing factors for children, leading to insomnia, mood shifts, and irritability. Besides, the examination pressure is brutal as the students are expected to do their best; sometimes, the constant competition within the classroom becomes detrimental to students.

That is why self-care is crucial to minimise stress and anxiety; students can try simple exercises such as positive self-talk, taking study breaks, and engaging in preferable des-tressing activities like talking to a friend and family member.  

Helps avoids diseases 

Self-care enables students to incorporate activities that help them maintain a healthy body and mind. Besides, a student living in a boarding school follows a schedule wherein they need to complete specific tasks within a stipulated time. 

Although wardens and authorised personnel are present to supervise them, children need to practice a self-care routine, helping to avoid diseases and mental disturbances. 

Improves productivity 

Productivity is not equal to doing as much as possible; on the contrary, it indicates optimum usage of time to do adequate work. It is also a key principle that top boarding schools in Maharashtra teach their students through self-care practices. 

Additionally, their cognitive abilities become sharper, and they can focus better, helping to accomplish a particular task in a shorter period. 

Contributes a holistic development 

Self-care is not about indulging in selfish activities and shunning or avoiding people; on the contrary, it is about establishing good habits. Furthermore, it relates to determining activities that bring joy, cause discomfort and restore balance and energy. When students practice self-care, they achieve mindfulness and holistic development. 

In Conclusion, 

Students’ life revolves between academics, extra-curricular activities and parents’ expectations, and it does not take long for them to encounter stress and anxiety. Meanwhile, self-care helps to bring balance by following a routine that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, taking short study breaks, etc.

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