• 29th March 2025

What Are The Differences Between Female And Male Hair Transplant?

Hair loss does not discriminate among men and women and occur in each gender almost equally. Men and women usually both stay concerned about their personality and looks where hair loss can cause mental turbulence in both of them.  Initial hair loss is usually ignored by all and people try to self treat the hair loss but when it becomes noticeable we refer doctor to curb the progression. Hair transplant among the many management modalities is the best solution for hair loss as this offers permanent results which look extremely natural. 

Male and female pattern baldness

Pattern baldness is also referred as androgenic alopecia which occurs due to genetic dysfunction. Genetic dysfunction leads to oversensitive hair follicles containing receptors for DHT hormone. DHT hormone influences the DHT sensitive hair follicles which undergo hair thinning and miniaturization ultimately leading to hair loss. The pattern baldness involves the hairs from the frontal aspect and the vertex which are DHT sensitive areas on the scalp. 

The scalp area which stays untouched is the back and side of the head as they are comprised of DHT resistant hair follicles. 

Pattern of baldness in men involves receding hairline, formation of temporal triangles and bald patches on the vertex areas. These areas on progression co lease to form a big bald area leaving only a band of hairs at the back and side of the head. 

Pattern of baldness in females involves majorly the central thinning which widens up the partition but does not usually show bald area. Occurrence of baldness is rare in women and majority of them faces hair thinning. 

Hair transplant 

Hair transplant is an outpatient surgical procedure which involves harvesting or extraction of hair follicles from the donor area which are then transplanted at the desirable bald area. 

Earlier hair transplant was rumored to be just for males but it is not true. This procedure does not discriminate between the genders and even females can undergo hair transplant. Actually pattern of hair loss in females possess usually hair thinning and not baldness which makes less females opt for hair transplant. 

Hair transplant techniques

Hair transplant can be performed using 2 modern techniques: FUT and FUE technique. 

FUT hair transplant technique is performed by removing a strip from the donor area which is then cut to retrieve individual hair graft. These hair grafts are then transplanted at the recipient site. This technique can successfully harvest up to 3500 hair grafts. 

FUE hair transplant technique is performed by extracting the hair grafts individually from the donor area with a punch device. These extracted follicular units are then transplanted at the recipient site. This technique could successfully harvest up to 2000 – 2500 hair grafts. 

How male and female hair transplant are distinct?

The basic techniques FUT and FUE stay same in male and female hair transplant. The preferable technique in female hair transplant is FUT hair transplant technique for the following reasons:

  1. Females prefer no shaving approach for hair transplant as it could be very embarrassing for them to go shaved. This can be an option with FUT hair transplant technique as this technique can be performed without or minimal shaving.
  2. Females undergo hair thinning and require more number of hair grafts to cover the thinning area adequately. FUT technique offers the provision of harvesting higher number of grafts thus could be a preferred technique.

Female hair transplant uses no shaving approach for which the hair transplant procedure becomes trickier and technique sensitive. The micro slits are prepared at the recipient site and then the follicular units are transplanted. While transplantation the hair grafts extreme care should be taken to avoid the damage to the existing adjacent hair follicles. 

Therefore, for female hair transplant highly expert and experienced surgeon should be opted as is even more précised than the male hair transplant. 

Based on the technique and trickier approach female hair transplant is more expensive than the male hair transplant. 

Medispa clinics for hair transplant in Jaipur and Delhi are well known for world class hair transplant for both men and women at an affordable cost. Dr Suneet Soni is pre eminent in the hair transplant world for his specialty in designing hairline. He has performed thousands of male and female hair transplant surgeries and is known among the top hair transplant surgeon in India

If you are looking for best male or female hair transplant then visit Medispa clinics to have the best experience of hair transplant. 

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