• 15th October 2024

Why Professional Squirrel Removal Services Are Worth It

Squirrels are common pests that can cause significant damage to homes, especially when they invade attics or garages. While it may be tempting to try and handle the problem on your own, hiring professional squirrel removal services is often the best solution.

1. The Risks of DIY Squirrel Removal

Squirrels are notorious for chewing through electrical wiring, insulation, and wood structures in homes. This can lead to fire hazards and structural damage that may require costly repairs. Attempting to remove squirrels without professional help can be risky, as the animals may become aggressive when cornered. Additionally, improper removal techniques could lead to repeat infestations.

Hiring a professional service like Capital Wildlife squirrel removal ensures that the removal process is handled safely and effectively.

2. Humane and Effective Removal Techniques

Professional squirrel removal services use humane methods to trap and relocate squirrels. Live traps are commonly used to capture the animals without causing harm. Once trapped, the squirrels are relocated to a natural habitat far from residential areas.

Capital Wildlife squirrel removal provides expert removal services that ensure both the safety of the animals and the protection of your home.

3. Long-Term Prevention Strategies

After removing the squirrels, it’s important to take steps to prevent future infestations. This includes sealing entry points such as chimneys, vents, and gaps in the roof. Trimming tree branches that provide access to your roof is also a critical step in preventing squirrels from returning.

Professional services include not only the removal of the squirrels but also the implementation of long-term preventive measures to ensure they don’t come back.


Squirrel infestations can cause serious damage to homes, but professional removal services offer safe, humane, and effective solutions. Capital Wildlife squirrel removal provides comprehensive services that include both removal and prevention, ensuring that your home remains squirrel-free.

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