• 6th March 2025

Gaming Monitors: Panel Type, Resolution and Many More

If you are proceeding to find a gaming monitor for yourself, know that there are a lot of things to consider. There are several displays available in the market which is sure to make your head spin. But what do you want in a gaming monitor?

Well, gaming monitors are great and no matter what type you want, you will need to be careful. You need to find a monitor that has been providing you the right colors so that you won’t need to edit by the sides.

Size and Resolution

The first thing a pro-gamer looks for in a gaming monitor is its size and resolution. Some of the most popular resolutions available in the market include 1080p, 4k and 1440p.

  • 1080p

This is surely one of the most used gaming resolutions in today’s world. The 1080p resolution supports that of 1920 pixels by 1080. The 1080p resolution has been there in the market for a long time. But this resolution is supported mostly by the small screen panels such as that of 23 inches or below.

  • 1440p

This is referred to as the Quad-High Definition and has gained extreme popularity among the pixels. This resolution offers around 77 more pixels than that of 1080p. You will need to pair it with a good quality graphics card to ensure that it has been functioning properly. The monitor’s size should usually be 24-30 inches.

  • 4K

If you want a gaming monitor with an ultra-high definition feature then nothing can be greater than that of 4K resolution. As compared to 1440P resolution, this resolution serves the advantages of different 4 times more resolution. However, it is extremely necessary to get in touch with the right and high-quality graphics card. Proper support can ensure the proper functioning of the entire system.

Flat vs Curved

Both, flat and curved displays have been in the market for a significant time. Although these are still coming into prominence, you will need to decide which one suits your needs the most. The curved displays are usually paired alongside the ultrawide aspect ratio so as to give you a better view of the action.

The curved monitors usually range from 21-31 degrees. Compared to the flat monitors, the curved monitors tend to have a complicated design. What type of monitor you choose is entirely your personal preference. Before you invest in any kind of gaming monitor, you will need to do thorough research about it.

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