The wind is one of the most sustainable natural resources that individuals and states are using to produce electricity. Harnessing it requires the construction of a wind power turbine which converts wind movement into kinetic energy. To harness it on a large scale, you’ll require a wind farm that’s positioned in a location with strong and steady winds such as next to an ocean. You’ll also need to buy the turbines from shops such as Kor-Pak and set them on high towers where they can easily spin in the breeze and harvest energy.
According industry experts in the use, the wind resources in the country is enough to double its current generation capacity and inhibit the production of about 62 million tons of greenhouse gases.
Here’s how you can start a wind farm:
- Plan
Setting up a wind farm is a massive project which requires professionals and specialists to handle. Without a proper plan in place, the conception and implementation of the project won’t be possible. Furthermore, a good area with wind resources should be located. The best sites should have wind speeds of 6 meters/second or more.
Though it seems that the more the wind the better, excess wind may strain the equipment and add expenses to the project. You can use special wind speed maps to identify regions with adequate wind resources. The U.S. Department of Energy provide individuals with such wind maps. Alternatively, you may decide to take wind measurements yourself using an anemometer. If you’re fortunate enough, you may find out that your state provides anemometer loan programs.
- Assess Wildlife Risks
The spinning turbine blades can kill raptors, bats, birds, and waterfowls. Therefore, it’s vital to set up your turbines from busy wildlife pathways. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, you should carry out a preliminary assessment and site characterization of the spot you intend to set up your turbines to determine if they’re habitats that’ll be affected by the wind farm.
Ensure that you work closely with the right government agencies or licensing authorities to find the right area devoid of wildlife. Some states may allow you to develop a wind farm in a more sensitive area, if your operations are more wildlife friendly. However, this comes with consequences such as temporarily halting turbines during migration seasons, when there’s low wind, or when bats are in their most active states.
- Meet All The Legal Requirements
Electricity production is controlled by federal laws that’s maintained by the Energy Policy Act, Public Utility Regulatory Policies, and the Energy Independence and Security Act. Different states may also have various interpretations of how to apply these laws.
Therefore, before starting your wind farm project, it would be best to hire a consultant or lawyer specializing in renewable energy development to assist you in understanding the laws concerning your project. He may also help you to get various environmental and building permits that you’ll need from government agencies.
Bottom Line
It’s not simple to build a wind power farm, though once it’s up and running, it can give you a lot of profits. Ensure that you have an elaborate plan, assess wildlife risks, and meet the legal requirements if you want your project to be successful.
Jeff Morgan is currently associated with NetworksGrid as a technical content writer. Through his long years of experience in the IT industry, he has mastered the art of writing quality, engaging and unique content related to IT solutions used by businesses.