• 19th February 2025

Google Cloud Platform: A cheat sheet

Google Cloud Platform is a group of cloud infrastructure tools that evolved from Google’s data centers around the initial Google App Engine platform for hosting web apps. GCP has developed into one of the leading cloud infrastructure services on the market since the introduction of Google App Engine in 2008, though it still follows both Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS)in terms of market share.That being said, Google appears to maintain its own in the cloud battles and investing heavily in GCP to make it more accessible to major users and compete with the other public cloud providers.

In order to help CXOs, IT leaders, operations administrators, and developers fully understand the role of Google as a cloud service, this GCP cheat sheet includes the most relevant services and knowledge. Professionals can also get Google cloud certification to understand these services and knowledge. This is a “live” post to update and review as new, applicable material becomes available.

The Google Cloud Platform

In April 2008, Google App Engine was launched as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) resource to capture the growing interest in web applications that allow development teams to develop and host apps on Google’s technology. App engine arose out of teaser in September 2011, and formally adopted the name of the Google Cloud Platform in 2013.

The organization subsequently launched a number of complementary tools, including its data storage framework and its Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) feature recognized as the Google Compute Engine, which facilitates the need for virtual machines following the launch of Google App Engine. Google has introduced new offerings since rising as an IaaS platform, including a load balancer, DNS, control software, and data processing services, taking GCP closer to design parity with Azure and AWS, allowing it to perform much further into the cloud sector.

The offerings of Google Cloud Platform cover the following categories:

Data analytics: Cloud Dataflow, BigQuery, Cloud Datalab, Cloud Dataproc, Cloud Composer, Cloud Dataprep, and more.

API management: API Monetization, API Analytics, Developer Portal, Cloud Endpoints, and Cloud Healthcare API.

Artificial intelligence & machine learning: Cloud AutoML (beta), AI Hub (beta), Cloud TPU, Dialogflow Enterprise Edition, Cloud Machine Learning Engine, Cloud Speech-to-Text, Cloud Natural Language, Cloud Translation, Cloud Text-to-Speech, Cloud Video Intelligence, Cloud Vision, Cloud Inference API (alpha), and more

Compute:Container security, Compute Engine, App Engine, Shielded VMs, GPU, Cloud Functions, and more.

Developer tools: Container Registry, Cloud SDK, Cloud Source Repositories, Cloud Build, Cloud Tasks, and more, as well as PowerShell, Cloud Tools for IntelliJ, Eclipse, and Visual Studio.

Databases: Cloud Bigtable, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, Cloud Spanner, and Cloud Memorystore.

Hybrid and multi-cloud: GKE On-Prem, Google Kubernetes Engine, Anthos Config Management, Istio on GKE (beta), Stackdriver, Serverless, and more.

Internet of Things (IoT): Edge TPU (beta), Cloud IoT Core.

Media:Zync Render, Anvato.

Management Tools: Monitoring, Stackdriver, Logging, Trace, Cloud Console, Debugger, and more

Security: Cloud Identity, Access Transparency, Cloud Key Management Service, Cloud Data Loss Prevention, Cloud Security Scanner, and more.

Networking: Cloud CDN, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Cloud Interconnect, Cloud Load Balancing, Cloud NAT, Cloud DNS, Cloud VPN, Cloud Armor, Network Telemetry, and Network Service Tiers.

Migration: Transfer Appliance, Cloud Data Transfer, Velostrata, VM Migration, BigQuery Data Transfer Service, and more.

Storage: Persistent Disk, Cloud Storage, Cloud Filestore, and more.

Google offers several cloud services that are not just Cloud Platforms part. G Suite, a series of applications for collaboration and productivity, competed against Microsoft Office 365. The platform of Firebase is for the development of Web applications and mobile. Google Maps Framework is a series of integrated mapping applications with other products, such as Pokémon Go and ridesharing apps. Google Cloud Identity is identical to Okta ‘s identity-management service. Apigee supports Cloud Providers with API management and Orbitera handles multi-cloud costing and billing processes

How Google’s Cloud Infrastructure matters

Whether or not google cloud system matters to your company varies based on the type of resources and features that you need to run effectively in your company.

Google Cloud Platform provides features similar toAWS and Azure or any other service platform, with the same core data storage and virtual machine capabilities. The power of Google lies in big data analytics devices, machine learning,and artificial intelligence (AI)programs, as well as support for containers.

Google’s Dataflow and BigQuery offer solid processing and analytics tools for data-intensive businesses, while Google’s Kubernetes container platform encourages container deployment and allows cloud container management. Google’s Cloud machine learning Platform and other machine learning APIs allow using AI in the cloud simpler for businesses.

The effect of Google Cloud Platform

The range of tools Google Cloud Platform provides, along with all of Google’s technologies, is initially internal tools designed for internal usage. Which inevitably proved to be troublesome. Google initially supported business and SMB cloud infrastructure, giving startups up to $ 100,000 in Cloud Platform and Firebase credits. The limited uptake, however, led Google to make GCP more adaptable for different use cases.

Subsequently, Google introduced more features to simplify the transition to the Cloud Network, rendering the technology more available to businesses of all scale seeking to decommission any or more of its data centers.

Because it’s a network on which apps are designed and stored, a cloud provider’s option often impacts developers. Google Cloud Platform supports Node.js, Go, Ruby, Python, .NET, PHP,and Java for developers. Developers should ensure that they are included in all discussions around choosing a cloud service and ensure that it is a network on which they and their teamwork safely.

How can I make use of the Google Cloud Platform?

As Google Cloud Platform is a freely accessible service, accessing its services isn’t very difficult. The bigger problem is two-fold: determining whether or not the network is the business’s best choice and preparing the migration.

You need to do some research in order to accurately compare Google Cloud Platform to the other solutions out there. When you are trying to equate it to MS Azure and AWS, consider starting with MS Azure and AWS guides for our other smart person, respectively. A ranking of top 15 hybrid cloud vendors includes a number of other successful cloud vendors.

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