• 24th October 2024

Handy Provides You with Things You Need to Consider When Picking A Wedding Venue

Choosing the perfect wedding venue is a crucial aspect of any wedding. A grand event requires a grand celebration and couples such as yourself go to great lengths to ensure they have the best of the best for the most critical event in your lives. Wedding venues are like a box of chocolates. It’s hard to justify one over the other. Do you go for an open wedding alongside a stunning barn or should you pick the classical ballroom? The choices are endless and equally confusing. But fear not as Handy has some tips to help you choose the perfect venue for your special day. Without further ado, let’s begin.

The Considerations

  1. Availability- Every couple has a dream venue where they wish to get married. If you have a list of such preferences, arrange them based on availability. Popular places are booked months in advance. Once you have the list, call them individually regarding availability. Move the ones that are readily available to the top of your list and arrange the rest accordingly. Now that you have an availability chart, you can proceed to plan the rest of the itineraries such as guest list, themes, and so on.
  2. Budget- Expenses in weddings can skyrocket without much warning. A budget lets you optimize your savings without burning a hole in your wallet. So, while you’re selecting a venue, make sure to have a budget so that you don’t overspend on the site alone. Remember that if you choose an expensive venue, you might have to cut corners in other areas such as guest lists, decoration, and even your vacation plans.
  3. House-Catering- Most venues offer their inhouse catering. In some places, it can be mandatory to opt for house catering. If you’ve arranged for a different catering service, then you could end up switching your venue. If you opt for the in-house package, then double-check the courses they offer. Most provide a full course meal with a buffet of snacks that serve as appetizers. If you’re into that sort of thing, make sure it’s included in the package. If not, check if you’re allowed to arrange for something yourself. While you’re at it, remember to check their policy on serving alcohol if you’re interested.
  4. Accommodation and Parking- Now this depends on your guest list. If you’re expecting a large number of guests, make sure the venue has enough space to accommodate all of them comfortably. Nobody wants to bump into each other and struggle for leg space. The same principle applies to parking. You don’t want your guests to park their vehicles 2 blocks over. Make sure you have enough available space. If not, double-check there are any parking lots within walking distance of the venue.
  5. Tables Chairs and Other accessories- Once again some venues provide these essentials while others don’t. Discuss the matter so that you can factor in the expenses. You can always ask them for advice and enquire if they know of a reliable vendor who rents such stuff.


These few tips by Handy should help you choose the perfect venue for your special day. Remember to double-check the facts before signing the contract and may you have a lovely life ahead of you.


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