• 13th February 2025

How to deal with online copyright infringement and report it?

How often does copyright infringement occur?

Copyright infringement frequently occurs in the online arena. The internet has opened up multiple possibilities for people that have eased tasks to a great extent. Information and services are available online at one’s fingertips.

However, the problem of alleged infringement is becoming more palpable. The rising cases of copyright infringement in the digital millennium stem from the fact that it has become effortless to copy content.

Simply put, copyright infringement occurs when a person uses material from an authorized source without requisite permission. There is a method of citing the source to avoid copyright infringement.

In some cases, the protocol is to gain approval from the author(s) before using the content. Accidently copying content also leads to copyright infringement. However, the problem can be solved by either deleting the copied matter or by citing it properly.

However, the online platform also has dubious users who deliberately steal content from websites or other sources. The stolen information gets used for reaping personal benefits. The information can be used or misused online to garner popularity.

This form of blatant copyright infringement is punishable. People who come across alleged infringement cases need to report it to the authorities for further investigation.

How to counter copyright infringement issues?

The cases of copyright infringement vary greatly. Self-plagiarism of content creators usually doesn’t fall under the category of copyright infringement. Copyright issues are mostly caused when people copy and use materials from others without permission.

Accidental plagiarism is a copyright infringement case. It is best to focus on creating highly unique content to avoid this form of infringement. The propensity to rely too much on external sources for writing articles often leads to unintentional copyright infringement cases.

To prevent this kind of complication, a person can scan the written document with a plagiarism checker to check for unintentional copied content.

Syndicating articles to third-party websites is good until the papers get stolen, and the original credit is removed. It is vital to check the places where a person has syndicated content online for the original credits and a link back to the original site.

If the credits are removed, it has to be reported immediately. The complaint has to be taken further to an authorized representative if the original credits are not added to the article after bringing the matter to the website owner’s notice.

Blatant stealing requires immediate reporting. Website owners have to scan the online platform for misuse of their data with scanning software. Such applications help in quickly detecting websites that have


Method of reporting copyright infringement cases

It is vital to contact the website owner, who has been caught infringing material from the original website, or when the website content or the design gets stolen. A fair warning can be given to the website owner to remove the infringed material.

The website owner’s contact information can be acquired from the website’s contact page or home page. If the case doesn’t get resolved, then it is essential to sue the website for statutory damages and report it under the DMCA act.

There is an option to file a legal case against an online company or website that has committed trademark infringement. It is a severe offense to steal brand labels or logos. The lawsuit ensures that the petitioner gets justice for the copyright infringement case.

Legal measures are highly useful when the infringed material has damaged the original company’s reputation in one or multiple ways.


Maintain uniqueness of the content

The choicest method of keeping copyright infringement cases away is to have content that is hard to replicate. The continuous production of useful and new content makes it hard for content stealers to scrape the content.

Many content creators face the problem of creating unique content daily, but it essential to refrain from scraping content.

Wit and intelligence are the most critical aspects that help in framing original content. It is best to take time while creating content. It is also helpful to keep away from references while writing the primary draft of the written content.



It is best to know the digital millennium copyright act for reporting infringement cases. It is essential to ensure that infringement has occurred as proof of copyright infringement is required for filing a complaint with the DMCA.

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